Gea Automation is born strong by the expertise acquired by its founders with more of 25 years of experience on Industrial Logistic Automation field and Industrial Implantation field.
Gea Automation is a society of engineering and integrated services, who operates on industrial planning field for different production processes and it is collocated on the marketplace as a professional reality whose offer is addressed to a wide range of users.
Gea Automation addresses to the customer with the aim to supply a supporting structure, that is lean, efficent and economic, able to face and solve all the problems linked to realization and planning of Industrial Works.
GEA Automation is structured in an articulated and flexible way, with the presence of technicians who acquired a meaningful experience on the different engineering areas. Our Team is assisted by external consultants and suppliers, with whom we have an historical fidelity relationship.
Gea Automation works with three main divisions linked between each other and complementary.

mechanical and electrical planning
automation and software's process development
logistic consultancy

mechanical buildings
electrical panel realization
electroinstrumental plants

mechanical installations
electrical installations
assistance and service